Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chippewa Nature Center

My sister invited me for a visit and as we were talking about things to do, I said I would like to visit the Chippewa Nature Center. I hadn't been there in about 15 years and then we didn't venture much beyond the visitor's center as it was winter.

We hiked the river trail, which oddly enough, ran along the river for quite a bit.  This trail is 2.7 miles long and was a very nice walk.  There are over 15 miles of hiking trails within the 1170 acres of the Chippewa Nature Center.    We only hiked this one.

The water was shallow and clear

If you need to stop and lean against something or grab it for support, don't choose this.

There is a small area with period buildings.  They weren't open so we were stuck taking pictures of the outsides of them.  This is a typical home.

A flower near one of the gardens.

This was a one room schoolhouse.

And perhaps my favorite building, the sugar house.  Here sap from the sugar maple is rendered down into maple syrup

The trail we were walking passed through this wetland.

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